Monday, August 4, 2014

Are You She That He Findeth, With a Sense of Humor?

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones (Proverbs 17:22)

When something happens to you or doesn’t go your way, how do you handle the situation? When you make mistakes such as, leaving the restroom with your skirt tucked in your underwear, do you laugh at yourself or become excessively upset? Or have you ever been so distracted with too many things on your mind and leave your house, saying to yourself, “I feel like I am forgetting something?” Only to realize an hour later, you forgot to put on a bra?

Moments like these call for a sense of humor. Throwing a tantrum and getting upset won’t change anything, but add stress, increase blood pressure, and add premature grey hairs. Every day or situation is not going to go as planned and the same is true for a relationship. There is no such thing as the perfect wife, perfect husband, or fairy tale marriage, thus creating imperfect moments. When we have no control over the outcome of a situation, sometimes we end up taking it out on our man.

If you want your man to have a sense of humor, then learn to, “Lighten up and live a little.” If your man senses your humor, then he will be more comfortable to be around you because he knows that you’re not going to fly of the handle when things don’t go your way or when he tries to confide in you. Your relationship will not survive without a sense of humor.

Remember ladies, there’s a freedom in being able to laugh and be yourself?

