Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Nasty Woman’s Disease

A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones (Prov. 14:30).

When you are peaceful and content, it literally does your body good (www.shape.com); however, when you’re unhappy and disgruntled, it brings on many challenges, such as, envy, which is detrimental to one’s physical and mental well-being. Envy is defined as emulating, coveting, having an ill will or detraction, and a fervent indignation towards another person.

Envy is like a cancerous disease that spreads throughout every part of your life, affecting anything and anyone in your path. When you are envious of another woman, you will dislike her for no reason at all. You will make every effort a competition. You will pursue every opportunity to bring her down, whether it’s with your words or your actions. Because you’re so busy hating on or trying to emulate the next woman, you miss out on life’s opportunities that God brings your way. You are completely oblivious to all the blessings that God has bestowed upon you because you’re so diligent in trying to persuade others not to like her as well. When you have become so inundated with trying to throw another woman off her course, you will stunt your growth into becoming the woman that God has intended you to be.

Envy starts off as a small seed, but then it cultivates into stages. Following are some of the stages and symptoms of envy:

1.     Ungrateful and always complaining
2.     Comparing yourself to other women
3.     Always talking about or against other women
4.     Working ill intent against another woman

Remember ladies, be grateful and content for who you are and where you are. And if that’s not good enough, then do something to change your circumstances or behavior. Because hating on another woman for who she is or what she has will get you nowhere fast.

