Monday, April 8, 2013

So Over Worked

I feel so over worked and due for a vacation. Well, I think I'm past due for a vacation. It's very challenging being a single woman or just a woman period. We have so many things that we have to maintain and keep up with. Not that I'm complaining, but just reflecting.

Today, on my sick day off from work, I watched a talk show with a panel of women, probably in their late twenties or early thirties being critiqued by family, friends, and strangers because they failed to keep up personal appearances and maintain healthy relationships with people in their life. These women, as beautiful as they are, face issues that we as women face on a daily basis. They were critiqued harshly by their family, friends, and the audience for, “Letting themselves go.” Those women, just like most or all women go through stages of being over worked and “Letting ourselves go from time-to-time. We dedicate so much of ourselves to family, work, friends, school etc. and forget to take time out for us. And if we do take time out for ourselves, then we feel guilty or undeserving. The women on the talk show were once considered, “hot, trendy, and skinny” by their peers, but let themselves go due to life’s circumstances and not to say the least, considered unpleasant to be around. Their behavior towards their families and friends was horrendous. I’m pretty sure these ladies didn’t always have horrendous personalities or unattractive appearances; otherwise, I don’t think they would’ve been on the show. Well ladies, I hate to say it, but with all of life’s daily commotion, if we do not carve out some me time, then we will get lost in life’s catastrophes and will soon find ourselves in the same situation, hard to deal with attitudes and unattractive appearances. As women, we need to take time out in order to reflect on our personal well being and state of mind. I can admit that being a woman is hard, especially in a materialistic and vain society, which dotes on physical appearances. We have so much to be concerned about such as, our hair, weight, career, love life, and relationships, in addition to life’s uneventful  and unplanned catastrophes. No wonder why we get physically, emotionally, and mentally side tracked or off base. We’re like the Energizer Bunny that keeps going and going until we just stop working and finally just let ourselves go.

So ladies, take time out for you. There’s nothing wrong with turning off your phone and sipping a glass of wine while enjoying your favorite CD. It’s okay to not want to be bothered by the outside world for a weekend or two. We need to stop and rejuvenate every now and then without feeling guilty. And besides, there’s a big payoff for doing so. You’ll find your self more pleasant to be around and less likely to fly off the hinges when the paper gets jammed in the copier at work.

Girlfriend, go ahead and book that overdue vacation that you deserve.



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