Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Are You She That He Findeth With a Handsome Face?

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance… (Proverbs 15:13).

A pretty woman can have an ugly countenance.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines countenance as the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character. I once heard a male friend make reference to a pretty reality star as being ugly; I rebutted his statement with, “She is definitely not ugly.” He refuted with, “Yes, she is. She’s obnoxious and unhappy. You can see all the deception - she wears it all on her face, which makes her very ugly. So men will avoid her like the plague because she comes with a lot of issues.” Yes, ladies, this is true, we wear our emotional baggage on our face: envy, spiteful, jealousy, anger, and any other unfavorable emotion.

 It does not matter how pretty we are on the outside, if our inside is an emotional wreck. A man will use your countenance as a tell-tale sign of what lies ahead if he is to pursue a relationship with you. Are you approachable, bearing a smile or does your face always looks like you've been sucking on a lemon?

Ladies remember, before you step out the house, look in the mirror and check that countenance; it may be a sign that you’ve got some stuff to workout.




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