Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Woman’s Greatest Gift

 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works (Hebrews 10:24).

Other than Jesus, God’s greatest gift to women is our power to influence others. We have been influencing men since the Garden of Eden. Eve influenced Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Whether it is for right or wrong, women have the power to influence men emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Jezebel influenced her husband, Ahab, as well as her children, and a vast majority of Israel to rebel against God by turning their hearts to worship other gods (1 Kings 21:25). And because of her influence, God denounced many of his servants that were called to be rulers over Israel. Abigail influenced King David not to kill her husband and her household through her hospitality and words of discretion (1 Samuel 25). Delilah influenced Samson to give up the secret to his God-given strength (Judges 16), which ultimately led to his downfall. Esther influenced King Ahasuerus to spare the life of her people (Esther 7).

I listened to the testimony of a man sharing how he spoke words of encouragement and life into his newborn, who was refusing to eat due to a birth defect. He was the only one that could get his son to eat. During his son’s feedings, he would speak life into him. His son healed after gaining a considerable amount of weight. When asked what made him think to do that, he said his wife speaks life into him, and her words make him strong and capable when he’s feeling weak. So let’s use our gift of influence to incite others to do good works, for their benefit and the edifying of God’s kingdom. Let’s not use our influence to manipulate others into getting what we want. Ladies’ if you are unsatisfied with your home life and the garden next door is looking lusher, ask yourself, “How is my influence impacting my spouse and my children? Is my influence manipulative, controlling, inspiring, or encouraging? Are my words supportive, thoughtful, considerate, kind, full of wisdom, and compassion? (Proverbs 31:26). Are my actions benevolent, affectionate, and hospitable?” The woman whose garden is burgeoning is influencing those around her to do good deeds; thus, her garden is more fruitful. If you plant good seeds, you will reap a plentiful harvest.

Before you begin your day, ask Jesus to help you use your words and actions to influence those around you to perform good works.



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