Friday, October 29, 2021

What Season of Life Are You In?

 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment. (Ecclesiastes 8:5).

About ten years ago, Jesus presented me with the opportunity to be married, but I unknowingly passed it up because I did not know what season of life I was in – I didn’t know what I know now. At the time, I was in a friendship with a man that I once dated, meaning we still talked on the phone or in passing, and we went to lunch or dinner now and then (It sounds like dating, I know, right. LOL). In hindsight, I believe that God allowed this man to come into my life for a set time because I was going through some things, and I learned a lot from him through our friendship. The keyword in this sentence is a set time. Our friendship was to only last for a specific season, but I allowed our friendship to prolong due to my lack of knowledge and understanding. God sent people to tell me that if you want to be married, you will have to cut off your relationship with this person. Because we never had sex and I was not dating anyone at the time, I did not see our friendship as a threat to a future relationship with someone else. However, God told me that He had a better man for me (At the time, I wasn’t sure if that was God’s voice). He even showed me in a dream where another man tried to get to me, but my friend kept blocking him. I let the opportunity to get married in that season pass me by. However, because of the grace of God, I have been allotted another chance.

So, ladies, I beseech you not to allow culture to dictate your seasons in life. Stop letting the world tell you when your biological clock is ticking or how old you should be to start a business or pursue your career. The world’s time clock does not matter to God, and God works on His time, not ours. According to God, the creator of time, there’s a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11). How many blessings have you left on the table because you did not know what season of life you were in?

As you ponder over your life and the choices you have made, do not grow bitter. Be grateful that God has brought this knowledge to your attention (Proverbs 3:11 and Proverbs 9:8-9). Do not allow satan to cause you to miss the blessings in your current season by focusing on your past mistakes or looking ahead. Rest reassured that blessings behold you in the future because Jesus went ahead and paved the way (Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus wants us to live in the moment with Him. Spend time with Jesus as soon as you can and consult Him about which season of life you’re in so that you can move accordingly (Ephesians 5:15-17).



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