Monday, January 28, 2013

Be Aware of the Female who is Unhappy with Herself

Be aware of the female who is unhappy with herself. Take heed to the following, she may possess some of these traits:

·         Yes, some women have bad days, but the unhappy female ALWAYS has a happy face that is turned upside down.

·         She is always on notice when another attractive woman steps into the room because she gives her the, “stank face” – nose turned up and looks the woman up and down.

·         Every time your phone rings, she NEVER has anything good to say and by the time you get off the phone with her, you feel down and don’t even have a reason why.

·         She feels like she’s always in competition with another woman (whom she secretly admires), so she is always trying to find a way to bring her down or one-up her.

·         She cannot stand to be by herself: she doesn’t like living alone and is uncomfortable going to places solo.

·         She is only happy (pretending) when her external surroundings are on the up-and-up.

·         She doesn’t like to see other women happy.

If you recognized any of the previous traits in any of your female counterparts, you should start distancing yourself from her immediately because the, “Unhappy with Herself Female” has detrimental side effects  that can rub off and lead to you always being in a bad mood when you’re around her, partaking in degrading other women, always complaining, and gossiping. Where ever this woman goes, drama follows her.

Now if any of those traits sound like you, then clearly, you don’t like yourself, so you need to ask yourself, “What is it that I dislike about myself?” Then go back and read the blog, “Becoming the Best Version of You!”




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