Monday, February 4, 2013

Becoming the Best Version of You Part 3: Don't Look Back

I believe part of the reason that women struggle with liking themselves is because they are constantly comparing their achievements and success to their peers’. STOP DOING THAT! You are only holding yourself back because you’re stuck measuring your success to the next woman. It’s okay that you finished your degree at 40 rather than 21 and it’s okay that you waited later in life to get married and start a family. What God has for you, is for you. Everyone’s life is measured at a different pace and timeline. You have to take your own path. Stop focusing on past setbacks and mistakes. What’s done is done, now move on. Focus on the goals that you have established for yourself and work towards them. In the meantime, don’t worry, love will come when you least expect it. But you have to STOP focusing on what you could’ve done…be grateful that now you know better and when you do accomplish your goals, you’ll be much wiser. Life doesn’t consist of who is the strongest or who finishes first – the whole goal is to finish, but you can’t get to the finish line if you keep looking back.



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