Monday, June 10, 2013

Surround Yourself with Angels

Hey ladies, every woman has to have a few mottos or words of wisdom to get her through the week. So just in case you don’t, here’s a few:

Adopt a good attitude – you can approach anything in life by having an optimistic attitude, even when things in your life seem not to go as planned or expected. Embrace the attitude of optimism and ask yourself, “What am I supposed to learn from this experience?”

No negativity or pessimism- avoid negative people, thoughts, or actions like the plague because negativity can be contagious and will keep you from moving forward in life.

Genuine is always key- be your absolute self! Do not allow people to make you put on a mask just so they can, “handle” or “deal with you.” It’s not your fault that they develop a complex every time you’re around. You are not their issue and weren’t created to pacify their personality dilemmas.

Everything worth doing in life, approach it with enthusiasm, even when pursuing an unappealing or unattractive occupation such as a janitor; be the best janitor that you can be and your reputation will precede you.

Love people that society shuns or considers to be outcasts because they need love the most.

Smile even when you don’t feel like it. There is ALWAYS a reason to smile, even on your worst days.

What angels do you surround yourself with?



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