Monday, August 26, 2013

The Masquerade Ball

Ladies, why do we encourage each other to wear masks? We may not intentionally do this, but we do this subconsciously with our words and behavior. She thinks she’s cute. There is nothing WRONG with thinking you’re attractive, as long as you’re not comparing yourself to other women. If you don’t think you’re attractive, then who else will? Girl, did you see what she had on? Maybe girlfriend was having a rough day and didn’t have time to do laundry or is not as fortunate as you are to have an array of a wardrobe. Her hair looks a mess. She was probably just having a bad hair day and was making her way to the hair dresser or suffers from an illness, which results to hair loss. Why is she with him when he treats her like dirt? She probably doesn’t feel worthy to be in a loving relationship.

If we are not saying it, then our behavior and body language displays it. When we make assumptions or say hurtful things to each other, we just tear each other down. As women, we need all the edifying and uplifting comments we can get, just to make it through the week. Being a woman is hard enough, but we make are roles more challenging when we force each other to wear masks by pretending to be someone that we’re not in order to pacify the next woman’s self-esteem issues. We cannot grow and reach our potential if we continue to allow others to make us reach for a mask.

Rule of thumb: the next time you find yourself thinking or saying discouraging thoughts about a woman you work, associate, or attend church with, pay her or another woman two genuinely positive comments for every one of your negative thoughts.


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