Monday, September 9, 2013

Learning to Be Content

Learning to be content in undesirable circumstances can sometimes be quite challenging, but it can be done. As women, we strive to accomplish many hats in life such as, becoming a wife, mother, and a successful business woman. We find ourselves establishing timelines when to have these goals accomplished and become quite disappointed when we don’t meet our deadlines. We often lose focus on the purpose that God has established for our lives when we look at our peers and start to make comparisons to their lives: Why am I not married and with a family by now or why have I been passed up for a promotion or missed out on career opportunities? When we start comparing our lives to our peers, which can lead to self-pity and wallowing in our circumstances, we will make unwise choices out of desperation.

God knows the desires of every woman’s heart and He wants us to learn to be content in any given circumstances that He allows to come our way. God has a purposeful and enriching life for every woman, that is, every woman who decides to let God order her steps. When you let God lead you down the path that He has for you, the ultimate message that you send to God is, “I totally and completely surrender to the plans that You have for my life”.


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