Monday, October 21, 2013

You Have the Right to Be Joyful!

Did you know that being joyful is a choice that you choose to make every day? Every morning before you step out of bed and leave your house, you can choose to put on a joyful spirit regardless of what you’re going to face throughout the day. If someone cuts you off on the freeway, smile and be joyful. If you get a flat tire on the way to work, making you late, smile and be joyful. If someone cusses you out at the mall because you accidently bumped into them, smile and be joyful. Do not allow anyone or anything to rain on your joy.

According to Sonia Gallagher, J.D., Holistic Executive Life Coach, living a joyful life comes with benefits:

1.       Your anxiety and stress level will decrease
2.       Your body can heal itself of diseases
3.       Your positive energy is infectious and will draw others to you
4.       Your job performance will increase
5.       Your energy will increase

Remember, the next time an uneventful moment presents you, ask yourself, “What attitude will I adopt in order to adapt to the circumstance at hand?” Your attitude will determine the final outcome of your situation.

And besides, life is too short to be anything, but joyful.


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