Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Domino Effect

Someone recently posted on my Facebook page a t-shirt that read, “I hate my baby’s daddy… but you chose him.” At the time, this quote read to be funny, but it rings so true and has so many consequences. Ladies, when you wake up in the morning, you have the freedom to choose the outlook of your future, so choose wisely. The decisions you decide to act upon or not act upon is either an addition or a subtraction from your future. As young women, we often tell ourselves that, “I only live once,” so why not go and live it up? However, our choices have domino effects that not only impact us, but affect everyone in our lives, including our future children.

You are granted with the opportunity to choose the father of your child – this is a BIG responsibility. So the next time you choose to roll around in the sack, ask yourself, “If I get pregnant, can I see this man being the father of my child? Will he be present in my child’s life? Does he set good examples? Is he someone I would want raising my children? Will he help support my children emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially?”  There are so many children that are suffering dire consequences behind the choices their parents made.

Remember, children repeat the same examples that are set before them. You cannot set expectations for your children to live up to when you didn’t live out the examples before them. 


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