Monday, December 9, 2013

Are You Pretty and Fine?

A pretty woman knows she’s attractive and a sight for a sore eye; however, one should not put all her interest in her looks. It is okay to spend a dime at the Mac counter to enhance what you got, but you’re biggest investment should be on your character. You can spend thousands of dollars on Botox, plastic surgery, and make-up, but keep in mind that beauty is fleeting.  

The beauty of a woman is reflected in her character. If someone had to describe your personality, what would they say about you?  It does not cost a dime to invest in being trust worthy, purposeful, diligent, forgiving,  patient, kind, loving, unselfish, grateful, resourceful, charitable, uplifting, and faithful – these undying characteristics of beauty are free, but are worth far more than any ruby, gold, or diamond ring.

The next time you’re at the make-up counter, ask yourself, “Am I investing just as much or more in enhancing my character than looking pretty on the outside?”  If we spent more time on investing in characteristics that are sustainable and provide longevity, the prettiness will take care of itself. Besides, you just don’t want to pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside, that just makes you pretty ugly.

So ladies, let’s be pretty on the outside and fine on the inside.




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