Monday, December 2, 2013

Courting Vs. Dating

Society has completely done away with the term courting, nowadays, you only hear partial of the word when referencing to basketball. Men and women no longer court each other, they by-pass traditional dating and go straight to conventional dating, which means anything goes…sex, booty calls, or just the simple, “I am not looking for anything serious, I just want to have fun.” However; with this notion in mind, women are left hung out to dry. Women are innately emotional thinkers. We may go along with the no attachment sex and tell ourselves the lie that “I am okay with just sex,” but deep down, we really like the guy we’re sexing, so we will work on changing his mind. And when we find out that we CANNOT change his mind, we are left emotionally damaged. Ladies, we have got to stop repeating these same mistakes and go back to the basics of being pursued!

If you have grand-parents that were raised in the south, depending on your age, you’re probably familiar with the term courting. And if your grand-parents are still married, more than likely, they’ve courted. Courting is the initiation of a friendship by the man, in order to seek the approval of his companion. Courting is not a commitment; however, it does not involve sexual activity, flirting, or any sexual impromptus. During this stage, the man and the woman are learning to see if they’re compatible in developing and maintaining a FRIENDSHIP prior to dating.

During the dating stage, the man and woman are romantically involved, which is NOT equivalent to sex. They make plans to go on formal dates, but this is a period to see if both parties are romantically compatible. If a man is serious about a woman, it is during this period that he will verbalize his feelings of wanting to make a commitment.

Stay tuned for the upcoming book, And a Courting We Go.


1 comment:

rochele jones said...

I enjoyed reading this article. I am 31 years old and I am just now learning the description of courting. We as sisters are accountable for one another. So thank you for sharing.