Monday, February 24, 2014

Sex Can Kill: The Dangers of HPV

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer and has infected an average of 50% of the population participating in sexual activity (WebMd.Com). There are no symptoms of HPV, with the exception of the strain that causes genital warts. Many women and men don’t even know they have contracted the virus.

You are at risk to contract HPV IF you:

o   Have sex at an early age
o   Have many sexual partners
o   Have a sex partner who has had multiple partners

According to the Center for Disease Control, many people assume that HPV only impacts young women or teenagers, but cases have been reported that HPV has impacted the older generations as well.

Remember ladies, HPV is not just a, “loose woman’s or nasty woman’s disease.” Even a virgin can contract the virus from literally bumping and grinding. No penetration has to be involved. Not only do you need to know who you are sleeping with, but who you’re bumping and grinding with as well.


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