Monday, March 10, 2014

Sex Can Kill: The Dangers of Sperm

Other than the obvious tell-tale signs or red flags when you’re with the wrong man, research has shown that a woman can be allergic to a man’s sperm. An allergic reaction to a man’s sperm is caused by a high concentration of protein in the semen, which can be too high for your body to adapt ( Listed below, are a few allergic reactions:
o   Hives
o   Difficulty breathing
o   Swollen eyes
o   Diarrhea
o   Problems conceiving
o   Burning and swelling of the vagina
o   Early miscarriage
o   Reddening, swelling or a raised, itchy red wheal (bump) that looks similar to a mosquito bite on your skin
o   Anaphylactic shock
Some of these symptoms such as, anaphylactic shock can lead to death. Symptoms may appear immediately or may be delayed from 30 minutes to one hour after exposure. Symptoms may also disappear and then recur hours later. Once symptoms are present, they develop quickly. (
Remember ladies, if you’re allergic to a man’s sperm, it’s because he is not the man for you.


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