Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Are You She That He Findeth: Trustworthy?

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12).

When most women consider the trait, trust worthy in a mate, they think of loyalty and being faithful. So of course they will consider this as a trait they can commit to in return; however, trust worthiness does not end at being loyal in monogamy or intimacy. Monogamy is just the beginning of trust worthiness.

A trust worthy woman has a reputation of fulfilling her duties in all aspects of her life. Her supervisor can trust her to follow through with work projects and meet deadlines. Her girlfriends can trust her with their secrets. Her family can trust her to be there in a time of need. Overall, she is dependable. Trust worthy is her character. So when she puts on the hat of a wife, her husband can trust her to run the affairs of their household and take care of their children. He can trust her with his life. All the days of her life she will look to do him no harm. And everything she does with a purpose in mind to benefit her family, friends, or strangers. She is not a busy body meddling in the affairs of others while her home and life is up in array. She does not sit idling, watching soap operas or reality shows all day. She works from sun up to sun down, inside or outside the home.

Last but not least, God can trust her to use her talents that He has gifted her with, for the betterment of others; so therefore, He can also trust her with one of His sons.

Can God trust you with the talents He has bestowed upon you to use them wisely?




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