wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands
(Proverbs 14:1).
What woman do you know that
does not want a financially stable man? Every woman wants financial security.
The average woman does not have to marry a rich man, but she wants a man to be
able to provide the basics: shelter, food, and transportation - this does not
apply to the very independent woman
who does not WANT a man (emphasis on WANT). And yes, we can provide these
things for ourselves, but when push comes to shove, we want to be able to look up
to our man. We want to know that everything will be taken care of, when
Although, we want a spouse
who is financially capable, someone who makes just as much or more money than
us, but oftentimes, we fail to consider if we’re a good steward over the
monetary funds that we have been blessed with. Just because we have the money
to spend, doesn’t mean that we should be wasteful. Just because you can afford
to shop at Neiman Marcus, does not mean that you should go on weekly shopping
sprees if your bills are past due and your nest egg is empty. God did not bless
us with good paying jobs so we can be wasteful and selfish. God will not send a
God fearing man our way, to bring home his pay check and blow his hard
earned money, trying to keep up with the Joneses. Practice being a wise spender.
Following, are some budgeting tips for after-tax income from www.NoMoreDebts.org to help you manage
your monthly salary and live within your means:
35% - Housing, rent, mortgage
5% - Utilities
10-20% Food, personal care, and baby needs
15 - 20% Transportation: gas, insurance, maintenance, parking,
bus, or taxi
3 - 5% Clothing for all family members
3% Health care premiums, specialists, and over-the-counter
5 -10% Personal and discretionary: entertainment, recreation, eating
out, and hobbies
5 -10% Savings: save money for expenses that don’t occur every month
and for retirement
5 -15% Debt payments:
credit cards, car loans, and school loans
5 - 10 % Tithes or charity
Remember ladies, a wife is an asset, not a financial liability.
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