Friday, January 22, 2016

So You’re Getting Married…

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14

Just because you’re in love doesn’t mean you should get married and it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. From the time that we were little girls, we have dreamt of this grandiose wedding. We had everything picked out from the colors to our brides’ maid dresses. Oftentimes, as women, we get too carried away with the excitement of planning the wedding, and had not once stopped to think about planning a successful marriage. Yes, I said it, marriage planning. If we spent twice as much time planning a successful marriage, then many marriages wouldn’t end in divorce. We have to be willing to count the cost, which is greater than the tangible price tag of a Vera Wang wedding dress. Throughout these series, I will be covering questions to ponder between you and your potential husband. These questions should be discussed during the dating process. At the end of this course, you may find that he may not be the man for you and it’s just best that you two remain friends. Below is a list of questions pertaining to religion:


1.     Do you have a religious affiliation?
2.     Do you believe in God?
3.     Do you have a relationship with God?
4.     What does that relationship look like?
5.     When you were growing up, did your family belong to a specific religion?
6.     What is the reason for your religious beliefs?
7.     How important is it for your significant other to share your religious beliefs?

Remember ladies, a person’s religion or beliefs are the foundation for their decisions and life choices:




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