Monday, March 28, 2016

So You’re Getting Married…What Are His Goals?

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3

Every person should have aspiring goals, whether it’s to lose five pounds, pay off student debt, or overcome procrastination. And there should be some proof that you’re working towards your goals or that you have accomplished them. Life should not be some whimsical, care free moment, blowing all caution to the wind, or I go wherever life takes me event; life is meant to be intentional and purposeful.

Before even considering a friendship, let alone a romantic relationship, you need to inquire if you and your potential mate are both likeminded in regards to the same life goals. Are you both headed in the same direction or path? Do your lives intertwine? It’s better to find out now, then to spend time pursuing a relationship, only to find that you both do not and cannot walk to together.

Following, are simple questions to find out if he’s goal oriented:
·        What are your goals for the current year?
·        Where do you see yourself five years from now?
·        What do you plan to do after you retire?

Remember ladies, a man without a positive goal is a man without purpose.




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