Wednesday, September 28, 2016

So You’re Getting Married…Don’t Just Date, Court Each Other!

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14

Dinner and a movie, then repeat, is the typical outing for most couples. Dinner and a movie is a norm for the first date, to see if you want to go on the second the date. You can’t really get to know someone if you’re always doing a dinner and a movie, because during this time, you’re both on your best behavior and just telling each other what you both want to hear. Court each other, so you can view that person in their natural element and vice-a-versa. You will discover that you both have single hobbies and couple hobbies - activities you like to do alone and activities you like to pursue together. And then again, they may be completely into something that’s just not your cup of tea. Here are a few questions just to get you going:

·        Do you enjoy hobbies that might make your partner uncomfortable, such as hanging out in bars drinking, going to strip clubs, or gambling?
·        Do you have a set budget for hobbies?
·        How often do you go out?
·        Do you socialize with people from different backgrounds, religion, or work?
·        What hobbies do you enjoy that involve your significant other?
·        What hobbies do you like to pursue without your significant other?
·        Have your hobbies ever been a factor in a break up?

Remember ladies, if a man’s hobbies goes against your morals, it can impact your marriage if you decide to marry him – and just because you marry him, does not mean he’s going to give up his hobbies.




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