Tuesday, February 7, 2017

So You’re Getting Married…Home Life

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18a

Many couples believe that they can work out the kinks of their home life once they are good into their marriage...FALSE! Your home life can be the very thing that breaks your relationship. Here are a few questions you will want to ponder over a date night:

·        If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
·        Do you prefer the city life, rural, or suburban setting?
·        Do you want to rent or own your own home?
·        What type of home do you prefer to live-in (e.g. number of rooms, bathrooms, style of decorum etc.)?
·        Is it important for you to have your own office space or den?
·        Has your living arrangements ever been a factor in a break up?
·        What is the most favorite part of your home and why?
·        What room do you spend the most time in?
·        Do you enjoy house cleaning or prefer to hire outside services to clean your house?
·        Are you willing to commute to another city, state, or country if your mate’s job relocated?

Remember ladies, this conversation should be discussed during your engagement or courtship, leaving nothing on the table.




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