Friday, February 10, 2017

A Self-Life

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Me, Myself, and I is the type of world we live in – a society that encourages, promotes, and dotes on selfishness, served on a dish of glitz and glam. The most dangerous type of selfishness is encouraged through subtleties, such as, social media and independency: social media is a platform of selfie pictures that say, “Look at me,” or “Look at what I am doing” or “What I have.” Independency promotes the clichés, “I am doing me” and “It’s my body, I can do what I want with it,” regardless of whom I hurt or who else is impacted by my decisions.

As human beings, we are innately selfish; therefore, we have to work at not being selfish. At one point in time, women were discouraged to have children before or outside of marriage. Nowadays, women are encouraged to have a child without a father present in the home, because we feel or believe it’s the right time in our life. We have finished college, acquired our dream career, and purchased our idea home, so now is the time to have a child, regardless of how the lack of a family unit will impact our child’s life – we make our life  about what we want, when we want it, rather than what God wants for us in His timing. Society also conveys the more people you can walk on or step on to accomplish your goals, makes you a strong woman, in actuality, being a strong woman is learning to compromise, follow, and sometimes take the back seat. It takes a lot of willpower and strength to learn to sacrifice and compromise. The world conveys the more selfish you are, the more successful and admired you become; however, the duplicities of selfishness are tarnishing. If we’re always trying to take control and have things go our way, this just proves a lack of maturity, self-confidence, and temperance.

Remember ladies; a self-life is a dead end road of loneliness and void. Success comes with learning to get over ourselves.




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