Thursday, September 5, 2019

A High Maintenance Kingdom Woman

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. (Proverbs 31:22)

In the movie, “When Harry Met Sally,” there’s a scene where Sally is having a phone conversation with Harry while watching Casablanca. Harry says to Sally, “Ingrid Birdman, now she’s low maintenance. There’s two kinds of women, high maintenance and low maintenance ... an LM [Low Maintenance], definitely? Sally asks Harry which woman is she and Harry responds with, “You’re the worst kind. You’re high maintenance, but think you’re low maintenance.” Sally then tries to downplay her being a high maintenance woman, needless to say, they end up together.

Throughout the Bible, there are many instances where Jesus’ daughters were instructed to fix themselves up, anoint themselves with the best ointment,  and adorned themselves with an array of fabrics (Ruth 1:1-3 and Esther 2:12). God gives His children the best of everything (Ezekiel 16:10-13 and Psalm 84:11). However, a High Maintenance Kingdom Woman is not only adorned on the outside, but she's also adorned on the inside with a meek and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4-6). And because she knows who she is and whose she is, she does not allow material things to define her. She wears the clothes, they don’t wear her. She understands that Jesus’ material blessings are an added bonus for being a daughter of the King, the Most High. A High Maintenance Kingdom Woman continues to allow God to maintenance her into the woman He wants her to be.

When a high maintenance man goes to purchase a car, he wants the expensive, high maintenance luxury car. He knows he can afford it. He knows its worth. And he’s willing to put in the time and money to acquire its value. Why? Because a high maintenance luxury car, although expensive, has a great return: brand new, little to no mileage, longevity, no wear and tear, and a guaranteed warranty. He knows that car will carry him far and he does not have to worry about it breaking down. It also comes with many other benefits such as blue tooth and Wi-Fi connection, satellite radio, heated seats, Bose speakers, etc. A high maintenance luxury car not only looks great on the outside, but the inside is impeccable. This is also true when he goes to search for a wife. So the next time a man tries to throw an insult your way with, “You’re too high maintenance,” reply with “Thank you. I serve a High Maintenance God.” Take it as a compliment and look at it as if he’s doing you favor. He’s letting you know that he’s a man that doesn’t want much in life; he will not work hard to improve his life or yours. He’s content where he’s at, spiritually and physically. He will not allow God to mold him into the man that God wants Him to be. He’ll not go out of his way to romance you or pursue you. He’s a Netflix and Chill type of guy. Ladies, don’t short change yourself to get a man. Jesus wants the best for you. He wants to give you the best, but He’s not going to bless a life of mess. He’s not going to send you a High Maintenance Kingdom Man unless you allow Him, a High Maintenance God to remold, reshape, restore, and renew your life. This process will require a lot of maintenance, but Jesus can afford it. He gave His life so that we might have life abundantly (John 10:10).




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