Friday, September 6, 2019

Be Careful What You Manifest Into Your Life

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21).

I do not know any woman who wouldn’t consider herself to be an optimist, myself included. However, there are times in our lives where we say negative things about ourselves that may seem harmless such as, “I am an introvert” or “That’s the Taurus in me.” These subtleties cause us to limit ourselves, close doors to opportunities and miss chances to explore purposeful relationships because of the words we manifest into our lives. We have allowed people’s opinions, philosophies, zodiac signs, horoscope readings, ideologies, and personality tests to rule our lives. Just because a personality test says you’re an introvert or your zodiac sign says you can be stubborn that does not mean that you have to allow these principles to have a stake in your life. We have allowed what the world says we should be to become part of our identity and personality. Therefore, we end up falling short of the expectations and purpose that Jesus has created us for. Jesus does not say we’re introverts; He created us for relationships (Proverbs 18:24, Ecclesiastes 4:8-12, and Hebrews 10:25). We cannot get through this life without each other. He did not create us to be stubborn.  His desire is for us to be open-minded, understanding, and uplifting to each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11). What career opportunity has passed you by because of the words you spoke over yourself? Have you closed the door to being a wife and mother because you’ve accepted someone else’s belief about your capability in this role? Society’s opinions and beliefs about who we are are contrary to what God says we are. His opinions should set precedence in our lives because He loves us more than anyone ever could. He sent His son, Jesus to die for our sins.

So the next time you’re prompted to take a personality test on social media or thought about yourself pops up in your mind, ask yourself, “Is this true? Who does Jesus say I am?”




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