Monday, November 30, 2020

Are You a Delilah?


He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips. (Proverbs 20:19).

Or are you a secret keeper? Can your husband, family, and friends trust you with their heart? Or are you known to carry gossip and share sensitive information about others that can damage their reputation or affect how they’re perceived by others? Biblically, Delilah, Samson’s mistress is known for being an enticer who led Samson to his downfall (Judges 16). In Hebrew, entice means to delude, deceive, enlarge, and persuade in a sinister way. Samson confided in Delilah by sharing his weakness – his shaved head. Delilah used this information to subdue him and bring affliction upon him.

If you can answer yes to any of the questions below, then you might be a Delilah. Confess your sin (1 John 1:9), repent, and consult Jesus on how you can go about restoring relationships that you may have damaged in your wake.

·        When someone has offended you, do you bring up their past mistakes or damaging information to criticize their character to get even (this can also be done in a passive-aggressive manner)?

·        Do you broadcast information that may be embarrassing to another person such, as sharing information about their medical status?

·        Do you use the weaknesses of other people as an advantage to get ahead in life, instead of helping that person to build on their strengths?

·        Do you use your words to flatter or persuade others to get what you want?

·        Do you love money (1 Timothy 6:10)?


Delilah is a destructive spirit, the name itself in Hebrew means amorous one of the night; poor, weak, languishing one. If you’re uncertain that you carry this spirit, ask God to show you.




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