Monday, November 2, 2020

Let Love Be the Standard


And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2).

Allow love to set the bar for everything you do. When you wash dishes, do it in love for those that eat off the dishes and love for Jesus who has made the way for you to have dishes to wash and soap to wash them with. If you serve others at a soup kitchen, do it in love, knowing that Jesus died for those that you are serving, so they are worthy of a full hot bowl of soup and a kind word or smile.

Let love be the standard for how you treat those that seem “hard to love,” understanding that at one point and time you didn’t make it “easy” for Jesus to love you, but He still pursued you anyway; forgave you of your sins, and healed your sicknesses. His love saved you from your destruction and crowned you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Jesus’ love doesn’t condemn you for every sin that you do and nor does His love put you away (Psalm 103:9). So let love set the bar for how you deal with others.

Love seeks to get an understanding so that you can come to a resolution for reconciliation. It’s willing to see both sides and hear the other person out without jumping to conclusions. Love makes provision without having to be asked. Love provides emotional and spiritual stability, protection, confidence, compassion, empathy, nurture, affection, and financial security. Love is longsuffering – is Jesus not patient in His dealings with us when we're struggling to let go of past habits? Love is kind. Love is not pained at seeing another have and nor does It seek to make others envious. Love does not seek retribution when it is wronged. Love chooses to see the good in others, versus their faults. Love gives others the benefit of the doubt. Love is willing to endure, be patient, and it always hopes for a better outcome. Love makes people better, the giver and the receiver.

Remember, without love, we are nothing. So everything we do let it be done in love.





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